Effective fertilizers
Effective fertilizers
Potassium phosphite with 30% of phosphorus in the form of 5o2p and 20% of potassium in the form of O2K
Potassium phosphite improves plant immunity. The presence of phosphite in this fertilizer increases the rate of absorption and movement of this element 5 times faster due to the smaller molecule of phosphite compared to phosphate. Also, its role is in the activation of phytoalexins in the plant, which causes disturbances in the formation and function of the cell wall of plant pathogenic fungi and prevents their growth.
Fertilizers containing potassium and calcium-potassium are effective in increasing the size and size of the fruit, better coloring, uniform ripening, and regulating the opening and closing of the respiratory openings. Calcium fertilizer is effective in making pectin in the cell wall and strengthening the cell wall and increasing the storage capacity of the product. Both factors are effective in creating plant resistance to plant pathogens.
Amino acids and seaweed – Amino acids, which are present in all living cells, are organic molecules that are often referred to as the building blocks of proteins. Amino acids link together to form long polypeptide chains, which in turn make up the different types of proteins found in all living organisms. Plants, like any living organism, make proteins by forming amino acid sequences. The use of amino acid will save energy to carry out a set of metabolic processes, which will result in an increase in production and agricultural products. The most important plant amino acids: Proline, glycine, lysine.
The most important role of seaweed in plants is to reduce stress. It does this by improving the quality of the soil and increasing the resistance of plants to environmental stress conditions such as salinity, dryness and temperature. Increased resistance to dehydration and drought occurs with the presence of two substances, mannitol and betaine, in seaweed. Amino acid gallicine and betaine in seaweed make the plant resistant to cold and freezing.
Effective nutritional elements
Iron – zinc and manganese – among the extraordinary effects of using this fertilizer, we can mention the increase in the amount of chlorophyll of the plant, improvement of photosynthesis, high quality of seeds, improvement of color, taste and size of fruit and stimulating effect on hormones affecting reproductive growth.
Boron-zinc and molybdenum
Molybdenum has an effect on the absorption and effectiveness of nitrate in plants. Actually, its job in the plant is to convert nitrate to nitrite and then to ammonia. Another function of molybdenum is to convert inorganic phosphorus into organic forms within the plant. Plants that belong to the legume family use this element to increase the strength of the bacteria in the root.
Boron is an essential element for cell wall formation, transfer of sugars and starch, terminal bud formation, seed and pollen tube formation.
The presence of zinc in many enzyme systems of plants can play the role of a catalyst. Actually with impressed
Placing the hydrogenase enzyme activities causes the metabolism of plants to be affected. When plant enzymes
It is activated by zinc, a certain integrity is created in the structure of the cell membrane, and finally the amount of protein synthesis and
In the same way, central hormone auxin is also regulated.
Environmental conditions affecting the performance of agricultural pesticides
Wind speed is usually the most critical factor that plays a major role in the wind blowing poison droplets away from the intended target. As the wind speed increases, the droplets fall farther from the target. Larger droplets are less affected by the wind and fall faster. However, strong winds can even cause larger drops to move outside the target.
High temperature and low relative humidity cause water evaporation of poison solution droplets and make them smaller and finally cause them to be blown away. The results have shown that most of the users spray in the hours close to noon, when the air is very hot during these hours and causes intense evaporation of the droplets. During the spraying operation, the relative humidity of the environment should be more than 70% and the temperature of the environment should be less than 25 degrees Celsius, which is usually the best time for spraying in the early morning and evening.
In the case of herbicides, it should be noted that their effectiveness is greatly reduced in cold and frost. The use of herbicides in conditions where the land has minimum relative humidity or so-called gauro is much more than when the land is dry. Using synergist oils or nitrogen compounds such as: Urea and ammonium sulfate help to make the herbicide more effective.
Pest Control
Economic threshold
It is the level at which the control operation should be started when the number of pests reaches, in order to reduce the cost of pest management and prevent economic damage.
Economic injury level
There is a level of the pest population where the chemical fight against the target pest has practically no economic justification at this level of the population. That is, at this level of the pest population, the cost of chemical pest control is equal to the cost of pest damage to the crop, and at this level, no matter how much the farmer spends on the damage, the cost is much higher than the profit from the sale of the product. And there will be no economic justification at all.
Integrated pest management is an ecological approach to pest management that combines biological, agronomic, physical, and mechanical methods in a way that results in less economic cost, health, and environmental risks.
In biological control, they use the natural enemies of pests, especially microbial agents (pathogens), parasites (parasites) and predatory animals (predators). In this way, these factors that usually exist in nature can be preserved and supported, and severe losses can be prevented by using wise agricultural operations. Examples of these useful factors that exist naturally in nature can be: She mentioned ladybugs, grasshoppers, lizards, frogs, parasitic and parasitoid bees, and pathogenic fungi and bacteria.
Plant damaging agents
A- Pests
B- Diseases
C- Weeds
According to the report of Eco Iran, according to the estimates of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the average damage caused by pests, pathogenic agents and weeds to the agricultural sector in the world is about 40%, and our country is at the global level in this regard.
Of this amount, the share of pest insects is 10-12 percent. This means that by managing these factors, the actual performance of the plant can be increased by 10-12%.